How I Would Make a Positive Change in My Community

Daily writing prompt
How would you improve your community?

I think about improving housing, healthcare, and food when I think about ways to improve my community. But, if the sky was really the limit, I would improve my community in the following ways. First, I would infuse more kindness into my community. While I, as an individual, can make a small impact, I would love to see my community full of people encouraging and building each other up. Second, I would create opportunities for mentorship in my community. How wonderful it would be to see not only kids with mentors but adults as well.

Sometimes, I struggle with “adulting,” I think about how nice it would be to have someone with more experience alongside others like myself to listen and walk us through our struggles. Lastly, I would create more opportunities for engagement through neighborhood get-togethers. As a young adult, I remember living with my dad in a neighborhood where the neighbors all knew each other and would get together outside in the summer months. This was when the internet was still young, and cell phones worked more like phones than mini computers. Times have certainly changed, but the desire for connection and goodwill towards others is timeless.

Published by Marlena

Marlena is a wife and mom of 5 who enjoys day tripping around the Bay Area.

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